Lustful Lucy 07

v07 Release.

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I tried to focus a bit more on the "life sim" aspects of the game. Most stuff is unfinished/has placeholders all over, so I'm just uploading this to show progress as to where the game is headed; v07 is more "stable" than this one.


-Reworked the "body type" framework: Body type can now be changed during gameplay. As it stands right now, you can only get a more fit body by doing the relevant gym exercises. I have to decide if I want to make your body "get worse" over time as well, but, all in all, more actions that change your body will come.
-Reworked the rape scene in the gym: It has a random chance of proccing now instead of being 100% chance if you meet the conditions
-I finally decided to add "money" into the game. You can see it displayed, but there aren't many things to spend it on/earn it.
-On the same verge, I added an "academic performance" rating. I'm going to make it so you don't have to study/go to class every day, but neglecting those might lead to a bad ending.
-Added more things to do at home: for starters, I added two flatmates. After class you can now masturbate, take a shower (and something might happen with flatmates in the process...) or hang out in the living room.
-Added a "Dance club". Okay, "added" is a bit much: It's planned, it's there, but you can't do anything yet.
-Related to academic performance: I added a "tutoring" option. If you're a particularly good student, you can earn money by tutoring someone else, and if you're bad, you can pay to improve your academic performance. And yes, there's (optionally) sex involved.

Hopefully this serves to show how progress has been lately. As for what else is to come:

-Obviously, finish up current content and remove placeholders. I'll likely upload a version with all but the dance club relatively soon, and then one for the dance club.
That's for the next release, as for the not so distant future:
-Something I've been debating: I might add STDs. I don't want a particularly complicated framework for STDs, however, since prostitution and one night stands (with random characters) will come soon, I want to add some mechanic to slightly discourage being a massive slut with no consequences. I haven't quite decided how to handle it yet: the two main options I've thought about are 1. Some characters will straight up refuse to have sex with you if you have STDs 2. You need money to treat STDs, not treating an STD leads to a bad ending (after some in game days, probably 2 weeks).
-As far as money goes, I don't want to bother with the really stupid "basic money sinks" such as food other lifesim games do. Money will be a resource used either for fun stuff or to compensate for having too much fun (see STD treatment). I will add regular part time jobs (which you can choose to do either instead of class or after it) as well as full blown prostitution. I can do a lot of creative routes with this, including blackmail, escort, sex slave...

That's basically what's on my mind. As usual, report bugs on the comments and feel free to leave suggestions.
